Saturday, 28 February 2015


Update 19/05/15

A lot has happened at the Rabbit Cave in the last couple of months that has unfortunately rendered me not being able to update this site as much as I would like. First of all unfortunately I need to announce that Lilith - our black dwarf lop passed away this January after we returned from a few days away. With her only reaching her second birthday this year, we don't know what killed her except that the day before she died, she was behaving strangely and moving slowly. But I dismissed this as fear down to the fact we had someone come into the house to look after the rabbits whilst we were away and Lilith was always very, very wary of strangers. After a chat and a quick health check of Fuzzy, her cage mate -  we opted not to take her to the vets for an autopsy but instead buried her in the garden next to our previous cat, so she remains close to us.

The next few days were very shaky and uncertain. We moved Fuzzy into our bedroom and into the two tier 120 indoor cage to enable us to monitor him for signs or disease or illness that may have passed over. Fuzzy was quiet and subdued and preferred to stay in his litter box or the corner of the cage. Having been left alone with Lilith's body for a good few hours, he understood and was grieving for the mate he never so much as had a single scrap with.

After a difficult few months and some room moves for poor Fuzzy, we eventually moved him into our spare bedroom to allow him some freedom to take his mind off the loneliness. Eventually I made the decision to bring a three month year old Giant Papillion doe into the room and set her up across the room from Fuzzy. (We then decided to name her Panda)

It has been an insanely packed few months but as of last week I finally managed to bond them together and they now free roam happily around the spare bedroom together, the change in Fuzzy is immense and emotional for me to see him happy again.

So that has what has been happening over here at the Rabbit Cave and pretty soon I will update our Bonding section with a full play by play of how I went about bonding both Fuzzy and Panda together.

More tutorials and guides to follow soon.



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