I can hardly believe that Christmas has flown around again! It only seems like yesterday that we were desperately tugging the fairy lights away from Winston's demolishing mouth and haphazardly trying t keep the decorations pretty without the cat on full out 'destroy mode'. Nevertheless - here we are again and I hope everyone out there has some petty cool Christmas plans!
Looking back on 2015, it's been a big year of change for us and also a pretty tough one in terms of choices and hardships unfortunately. Back in January we came home from a short break away to find that our beautiful Lilith had passed at only 1 and a half years of age. After a rough mourning period with Fuzzy and him trying to 'find himself' without his soul mate by his side, after a few months we decided to take on a baby bunny in order to balance out his 'submissive and shy' personality. Enter Panda - the Giant Papillion.

This gorgeous girl was definitely a great decision for Fuzzy and coming up to her first birthday she is the best companion we could have hoped for. She protects Fuzzy, ensures he's groomed properly and makes sure to perk him up when she feels there's more noise to be made. Regardless that she's double the size of him though, she really is a gentle giant.
On another note we also decided to move both Winston and Breeze inside the house due to the neighbours dog breaking into our garden during high winds and accidentally terrifying them (poor boy just wanted to play!) They're living in our hallway provisionally until the fence is fixed, however due to the fact they will both be four next year, I may make it a more permanent thing and would then be able to spend more time with them as opposed to braving the awful winter weather outside.
We're also in the process of applying to be official small animal foster parents for the RSPCA - although this is on hold at the moment due to financial restrictions. But this will be a great dream for us and on the front practice for one day opening our own rescue and rehabilitation centre!
That's pretty much everything rabbit-related summed up for us. We celebrated our first whole year with our rescue cat - Gus. Plus we also adopted two Chinchillas as well - so that's more research to be done!
Here's hoping that 2016 will be a great year, For us, for the cave, for all of you out there.
Don't forget to hold your buns close this Christmas and let them know how much they're loved!
Merry Christmas!
Holly & Ryan.
Keep up to date with our latest ramblings? You can find us:
Instagram - @therabbitcave
Website – http://therabbitcave.blogspot.co.uk/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/The-Rabbit-Cave-733552083388051/
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